

animation of termite pest control services

Purchasing a home is one of the biggest decisions you will ever make.

Having a specialist from Black Label pest Management thoroughly inspect and and give you the advise needed to make an informed decision is one of the most important things you can do. All reports are explained so you are fully aware of what you are potentially purchasing to give you peace of mind

In Newcastle and Lake Macquarie What is in a pre purchase report?

A pest report is designed to determine whether there is an active termite infestation or whether there has been a previous issue at the property. The report is also there to advise on how much of a high risk the property is of having a potential attack, and what steps need to be taken to ensure the risks are limited 

What other issues does a report comment on?

Reports will also give an indication as to the conditions of the sub floor area, ventilation or pooling water in the sub floor, overall condition of the roof cavity, wood decay, leaks, conditions of gardens against the exterior and any attractants that are present on the property.



black rat

There’s many ways to get rid of a rat infestation in your home: depending on the environmental conditions, There are a couple of things that need to be worked out first.

What is Black Label Pest Managements process

Black Label Pest Management assess every home, inspecting the roof for rodent activity and yard areas, and then will provide an action plan to resolve any issue as quick as possible and will provide advise to limit the chances of there ever being a problem again.

How can you get rid of rats?

There are a few methods for  Getting rid of rats, baiting, trapping, rat traps and glue boards. The effectiveness of each varies on environmental factors, degree of infestation and the speed of which you would like the problem dealt with.

What is the quickest way to get rid of rats?

The most effective and quickest way is to bait the problem with a fast acting rodenticide. The rodents will consume the bait placed in the targeted areas, and the process starts to begin, which can take anywhere from 24hrs up to several days or even weeks just depending on when bait is consumed.

Where will the rats die?

It is not possible to determine exactly where the rodents will die, but rodents that have been affected by baits, will start to get thirsty and generally, they will leave to go in search for a water source and then die somewhere outside. There is also a possibility the rodents can die in the roof, or a wall cavity. 

What attracts rodents to my house?

A significant food source may be available in your surrounding area causing the rodents to establish large numbers, and eventually end up in your house. The ease of access they have to your roof,  you may have branches over hanging, a pergola or it may even be the construction style makes it easy for them to gain access

Some interesting facts about rodents

FACT! rodents are neo-phobic which means they are cautious of new things in there environment so when placing rodents bait stations it can take some time for them to even approach them to consume the bait placed inside it.

Facts for Newcastle residents  

Large rodents got to that size due to their ability to survive and are highly intelligent. They will tend to allow younger rodents to eat a new suspicious food source to see the outcome and if they watch that rodent die that has consumed the bait they remember the look and smell of it and will never consume that bait. 




Purchasing a home is one of the biggest decisions you will ever make.

Having a specialist from Black Label pest Management thoroughly inspect to give you the advise needed to make an informed decision is one of the most important things you can do. All reports are explained so you are fully aware of what you are potentially purchasing

What is in a pest report?

Purchasing a home is one of the biggest decisions you will ever make. Having a specialist from Black Label pest Management thoroughly inspect and and give you the advise needed to make an informed decision is one of the most important things you can do. All reports are explained so you are fully aware of what you are potentially purchasing to give you peace of mind.



silhouette of pests

What does pest control do?

Pest control is designed to kill pests in your house, roof, around the outside of your house, and from your fence line back through your yard and outdoor space. Treatment of this type provides a protective  barrier preventing pests re-establishing themselves on the property for up to 12 months. 

What do the chemicals do?

The chemicals are designed to target pests such as cockroaches, spiders, crickets, silverfish, ants and various other pests around the family home. Yard areas also harbour unwanted pests that need treating to prevent insects entering the house.

How do the chemicals work?

Spraying surface areas that insects crawl on, or spraying spider webs leads to the insects picking up the chemical which seeps in to their body. This reacts with the enzymes in the stomach and results in the death of the targeted insect.

What are the chemicals used in pest control?

The main chemical, Bifenthrin, is 100% naturally derived from the chrysanthemum flower. There are other products available which are synthetic versions which kill the targeted pests in different ways, and are equally effective.

What areas should be sprayed?

Areas that are treated inside the house are along all flooring edges of each room, to ensure a complete protective barrier internally. Outside spraying should include under eaves, on all wall surfaces, window frames, fences and gardens to cover all areas and leaving nowhere for pests to hide.  


Eliminate pests for good. Contact us today!



animation of termite pest control services

What termite treatment is best for my house?

The best termite treatment is one that can provide a complete barrier as close to the slab edge or piers as possible. If a complete barrier is not possible the next best option is a monitoring and baiting system using the latest systems, which are great for  intercepting termites.

What is the best chemical to use to treat termites?

There are 2 main chemicals to choose from, a non-repellant and a repellant. A non-repellant is a great choice which is designed so termites don’t know they have come in contact with the chemical and in return infects the colony and you will get a withdrawal, as the termites do not know where the threat to the colony is coming from.

Are termite monitoring and baiting systems affective?

The latest technology systems are a fantastic product which allows you to destroy the termite colony that has consumed the bait rods, that are inside the system. The system designed to intercept termite foraging on your property. The only negative is the system needs monitoring every 3 months which has additional on going fees for the life of the system. 

Are termite treatments effective?

They are extremely effective at stopping termite re entry into the structure. The success of termite treatment all depends on the ability get a complete barrier around the footings or slab edge. If a complete barrier is possible there will be no possibility of termites being able to gain access to the structure again.




animation of termite pest control services



southern black widow



termites in a woodpile

How much is a termite inspection NSW?